Axis Garden

This garden is nestled next to the Conifer Garden and above the Bosque. The Axis Garden is designed to be a pattern of turf and ornamental plantings that features seasonal color displays. The Axis Garden is the spine of the Garden, leading up to the Oregon Garden Resort. Standing at the Axis Fountain, raised above the Axis Garden, gives you a wonderful view of this design feature.

This garden is a great place to view the many different varieties of conifers that line the outside of the Conifer Garden.


Plants of Interest: Plants in the Axis Garden include Cotoneaster, Bluebeards, and Full Moon Maples. A beautiful display of what lightning can do to a tree is best viewed from this garden. Our Sequoiadendron giganteum was struck on September 5, 2013. It’s been left in this condition in the Garden for educational purposes.


Axis Garden Designer: Cascade Landscape


Axis Fountain


The Axis Fountain is located at the top of the Axis Garden and features a beautiful fountain of Montana stone and a cascading wall of water. Upper and lower level seating offers breathtaking vistas of the Garden and the Willamette Valley beyond.


Plants of Interest: Surrounding the fountain are lush Lavender plants, Creeping Rosemary, and Compact European Cranberry Bushes.


Axis Fountain Architect: Gil Williams


The Tokarski Family of Salem provided generous financial support for the Axis Fountain.

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