Plants of Interest at The Oregon Garden
At The Oregon Garden, one of the questions we hear most often is “what’s the best time to visit the Garden?” To which our resounding reply is: “all the time!” And that’s not just marketing speak – if you’ve watched the Garden change through the seasons as we have, you know just how incredible it can be on a clear, cold day in the middle of winter, and the astounding rainbow of colors that can be seen in the fall.
And, believe it or not, even if you’re looking for flowers, you’ll find something in every season. Pay a visit in late February to early March to catch a glimpse of ephemeral bulbs like snowdrop, crocus and grape hyacinth that you won’t see any other time of year, or in early April to see the spectacular show put on by the cherry trees outside our Visitor Center – you’ll think it’s snowing in spring!
If you’re purely looking to maximize blooms-per-square-inch, June to July is when you can see the widest variety of plants in flower. Plus, this is when our annual beds are planted out and putting on their best display.
To further help inform your visit, below we’ve identified some of our favorite plants of interest during each month of the year. These are plants that may be in bloom, producing berries, or exhibiting particularly spectacular foliage or bark color.
And no matter when you choose to visit, we are excited to welcome you to our botanical wonderland!

- Camellia sinensis
- Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’
- Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’
- Erica darliensis ‘Kramer’s Rote’
- Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Luna’
- Prunus mume
- Viburnum tinus
- Yucca ‘Color Guard’
- Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’
- Corylopsis spicata
- Daffodil ‘Ringevelt Early Sensation’
- Daphne odora
- Erica arboreum
- Forsythia suspensa
- Garrya elliptica
- Hamamelis ‘Fire Charm’
- Pinus contorta ‘Chief Joseph’
- Prunus mume
- Ribes sanguineum
- Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’
- Crocus spp.
- Erythronium americanum
- Euphorbia characias
- Helleborus orientalis
- Magnolia stellata
- Pulsatilla vulgaris
- Fritillaria meleagris
- Magnolia stellata
- Narcissus spp.
- Pieris japonica
- Pulmonaria spp.
- Ribes sanguineum
- Tulipa ‘Tubergen’s Gem’
- Ajuga reptans
- Camassia quamash
- Columbine spp.
- Fothergilla gardenii
- Gunnera manicata
- Iris spp.
- Lupinus spp.
- Peony spp.
- Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’
- Eryngium ‘Glitter Blue’
- Fuchsia ‘Pee Wee Rose’
- Hydrangea spp.
- Kniphofia spp.
- Lilium asiaticum
- Nepeta x faassenii
- Penstemon spp.
- Sambucus nigra
- Agapanthus africanus
- Asclepius spp.
- Calycanthus floridus
- Canna sp.
- Echinacea spp.
- Fuchsia ‘Cardinal’
- Hydrangea paniculata
- Monarda ‘Jacob Klein’
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Teucrium chamaedrys
- Canna ‘Tropicanna’
- Eucomis comosa
- Gaura lindheimeri
- Hibiscus syriacus
- Lobelia cardinalis
- Mimosa ‘Summer Chocolate’
- Penstemon ‘Sour Grapes’
- Vitex agnus-castus
- Aster spp.
- Cornus kousa
- Franklinia alatamaha
- Maize ‘Allure’
- Rosmarinus ‘Barbeque’
- Schizostylis coccinea
- Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’
- Tricyrtis hirta
- Weigelia florida
- Acer saccharum
- Cornus ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’
- Farfugium japonicum
- Ginkgo biloba
- Hamamelis ‘Arnold’s Promise’
- Poncirus trifoliata
- Pseudolarix amabilis
- Sedum spectabile
- Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’
- Cotinus coggygria
- Hydrangea quercifolia
- Plumbago auriculata
- Camellia sasanqua
- Cotoneaster spp.
- Diospyros kaki
- Ilex verticillata
- Pinus densiflorus
- Sciadopytis verticillata